



The torus dynamic flow process.

Whereas the vector equilibrium represents the ultimate stillness of energy, the torus shows us how energy moves in its most balanced dynamic flow process. The important thing to understand about the torus is that it represents a process not just a particular form.

The torus consists of a central axis with a vortex at both ends and a surrounding coherent field. Energy flows in one vortex, through the central axis, out the other vortex, and then wraps itself to return to the first incoming vortex. Plants and trees all display the same energy flow process, yet exhibit a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Hurricanes tornadoes, magnetic fields around planets and stars, and whole galaxies themselves are all toroidal energy systems. Extending this observation of the consistent presence of this flow form into the quantum realm, we can postulate that atomic structures and systems are also made of the same dynamic form.

The torus is the fundamental form of balanced energy flow in sustainable systems at all scales. It is the primary component that enables a seamless fractal embedding of energy flow from micro-atomic to macro-galatic wherein each individual entity has its own unique identity while also being connected with all else. The self in a toroidal universe can be both separate and connected with everything else.

In this way we can see that there is a seamlessly dynamic exchange of energy and information (aka conciousness) occurring throughout the entire cosmic experience. It is like a stepping up and stepping down from level to level wherein the balance of energy dynamics comes into coherence appropriate to each scale. And yet there is only one whole energy flow occurring throughout the entirety of it.

Torus dynamic flow process continued; implications of this insight is profound when we consider even the most fundamental energy event -a photon of light- can be seen as a toroidal fluctuation emanating from the underlying field. This suggests that, even within the non-manifest state of the unified field there is potentially a current flow occurring, though within a dynamic equilibrium that maintains the balanced structure of the field until such time as enough localized spin occurs and a photon (and all else in the universe) emerges into an observable state. The dynamics of dark energy and dark matter may well be explained by this concept.


Continuing exploring the torus as a form and flow process, one of the key characteristics of it is that at it’s very center , the entire system comes to a point of ultimate balance and stillness. In other words perfect centerednesss. Like the center point of the vector equilibrium, this is the center point “singularity ” of the torus.

As in the case of a black hole singularity at the center of galaxies, this center point within all systems connects the system continuously with the underlying unified field ( energy and information return to the zero point source state of the infinite density via singularity) in this way, everything is unified and holographically present as the unified field informs every manifest entity of the entirety of the cosmos in every moment, and every entity informs the entire cosmos of its localized presence via the unified field.

This kind of reciprocal exchange is a primary feature of toroidal systems, wherein the individual is informed and influenced by its surrounding environment, and the surrounding environment is informed and influenced by the individual in a continuous balanced rhythmic interchange.

The torus flow process exhibits a set of characteristics that are features and principles of a healthy living system.

When the features are present the system is balanced and whole. When these features become compromised or absent, the system goes out of balance and becomes dysfunctional and corrupted to the point that it will either callapse completely, transform into a new balanced state, or restore its balance state by restoring the appropriate presence and functioning of these features:

1. Self creation ( autopoiesis)

2. Complexity ( diversity of parts)

3. Embededness in larger holons and dependence on them ( holarchy)

4. Self- reflexivity ( autognosis / self knowledge)

5. Self regulation/ maintenance ( autonomics)

6. Response- ability to internal and external stress.

7. Input/ output exchange of matter/ energy/ information with other holons.

8. Transformation of matter/ energy/ information.

9. Empowerment/ employment of all counterparts.

10. Communication among all parts.

11. Coordination of parts and functions.

12. Balance of interests negotiated among parts, whole, and embedding holarchy.

13. Reciprocity of parts in mutual contribution and assistance.

14. Efficiency balanced by resilience.

15. Conservation of what works well.

16. Creative change of what does not work well.

These features apply from cells to organisms ecosystems to earth, bodies to businesses.

It is in understanding the unique roles and coordinated wholeness of the features are principles that we can evaluate and restore the dynamic flow within all our human- contrived systems such as economics, education, health, governance, communications etc…

Each of these, when functioning in a healthy manner, will exhibit characteristics of a torus flow process and will naturally then interconnect and naturally empower each other in a larger toroidal system that is the synergetic wholeness of all of them combined.


The entire phenomenon of universe is energy and therefore is entirely about energetic articulation. Every dynamic manifestation- be it an atom, a sound, a sunflower, a hurricane, a planet a galaxy- is an energy event, an energy process. Energy has a variety of expressions such as the ” physical ” electromagnetic radiation, gravitation, spin, atomic forces, pressure, heat,etc… and the metaphysical life force, emotional and sexual passion, mind,aura,etc…

What is consistent is that energy flows everywhere, that there is a current of energy permeating everything, and this current is at times articulated as ” fluid” ( hydrodynamic) and other times ” structural” ( tensional integrity or tensegrity) underlying the myriad ways in which energy manifests is an ” idealized” energetic patterning which is foundational to cosmometry, and yet out there in the world, in nature, in the cosmos, the forms of energy get ” messy” distorted, chaotic, random changing. It’s not always obvious that there is an underlying pattern integrity given the natural dynamics at play. Yet its all energy and it’s all following the same fundamental patterning when it articulates into a given form. The more coherent and organized the energy pattern is, the more obvious the underlying patterning upon which it is based will be.




Unification and harmonization….

This is the threshold of evolution we find ourselves at now at a new level of global dynamics and complexity.

We have built systems of technologies, economics, governance, education etc… that do not properly account the features of healthy living systems. As such, they are reaching the end of their viability and are either going to collapse or become balanced and whole at a higher level or organization and coherence.

The choice we have now- perhaps the only viable option-is to align these systems with what we understand is the way the cosmos creates healthy and sustainable systems.

Fundamentally, what we are operating from is the principle and tangible effects of resonance.

The unified field has an infinite potential of energy and creativity. It expresses this as physical and metaphysical phenomena

– energy and conciousness- in a continuous and ever evolving flow. The most balanced, coherent, self- generating and self sustaining form of dynamic flow is the torus. By creating technologies ( free energy devices) and systems that mimic this flow we engender a synchronizing resonance with the cosmic patterning of life and tap into a resource of energy and creativity that is abundant beyond measure. We can do this personally by learning how to become centered in and embody the torus flow dynamic of our own energy being ( which stabilizes and intergrates our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies) we can do this collectively by understanding that this same dynamic extends into the balanced flow of information and resources throughout local,regional, and continental societies. And we can do this technologically by resonating with the fundamental structure of the unified field and setting up a harmonic flow that taps its infinite energy potential in a clean, safe and balanced manner. ENERGY-CONCIOUSNESS: all that we experience, physically and metaphysically, is energy and conciousness ultimately, energy ( physical reality) and conciousness ( metaphysical reality) are one and the same phenomena.

HOLOGRAPHIC: the whole is present everywhere and can be discerned conceptually even when only parts of the whole are visually apparent.

FRACTAL: the same patterns are repeated at all scales from micro to macro.

UNIFIED: there is a unified field within which all manifestation exists; there is no separation between ” things”.

DYNAMIC: it pulses between equilibrium ( the zero point ” vacuum state” and disequilibrium ( the manifest state) continuously.

CENTERED BY SINGULARITIES: every manifest entity has a singularity at its center that connects it to the unified field.

POLARIZED: energy moves inwardly and outwardly, contractively and expansively, simultaneously.

INFINITE ENERGY POTENTIAL: the unified field has an infinite amount of energy available ( or at least a quantity so vast it might as well be infinite).


the phenomenon of ” the behavior of the whole systems that are greater than and unpredictable from the behavior of their parts when viewed separately ” is inherent in all systems. Now here’s Tom with the weather.  Author unknown  cosmometry.

Concious thought processes and all intellectual functions originate in the cerebral hemispheres. However much of the cerebrum is involved with processing of somatic sensory and motor information.

The central sulcus separates the motor and sensory portions of the cortex. The precentral gyrus of the front lobe forms the anterior margin of the central sulcus. The surface of this gyrus is the primary motor cortex Direct voluntary movements by controlling somatic nerves in the brain stem and spinal cord. The neurons of the primary motor cortex are called PYRAMIDAL CELLS. AND THE PATHWAY THAT PROVIDES VOLUNTARY MOTOR CONTROL IS KNOWN AS THE CORTICOSPINAL PATHWAY OR THE PYRAMID SYSTEM. THIS IS WHERE INFORMATION IS MONITORED AT BOTH CONCIOUS AND UNCONCIOUS LEVELS.


Hidden meanings.



This is a most amazing time. A time measured by the cosmic age in the form of a symbol of a man with a pitcher of water. A man who when he was a child was sexually molested by the Gods. A myth that has been with us for thousands of years, but now it comes forth at a time when we hear of children being molested by religious people. A time when adults are coming forth to tell of their molestations as children by the ones they considered holy. Just like the man with the pitcher of water. We call him Aquarius, but as the child who was forced to serve the holy ones, we called him Ganymede.

DID THE GODS MOLEST CHILDREN? — WAS THIS THE SOURCE OF RELIGIOUS CHILD ABUSE? Unfortunately, this story which is pure mythology and written to convey a message was taken literally by those of ancient Rome and Greece. It became the basis of a deeply held belief that God was actually approving sexual relationships between adults and children. Thus in ancient Rome and Greece this type of thing was not only practiced, it was approved. Our present problem is that those of the church have used this ancient approval to justify their own actions. They cannot touch women; homosexuality is condemned. But, traditions from cultures that gave us the bible and the church ( Greece and Rome) provide a basis for these religious people to justify ( at least to themselves) their actions.


The story goes that Gods wife had fallen in favor and no longer would be allowed to service the Gods. So, God ( in this case zeus) looked upon the earth and saw a beautiful boy named Ganymede. God fell in love with the boy. He took the form of an eagle and abducted Ganymede from the Earth. Ganymede was taken to Olympus to become cupbearer and lover to the Gods. As his reward, when he was matured, he was placed into the cosmos as the constellation Aquarius, this present age when we take this story literally as many did, we violate the very nature of myth, and e also violate the bible that warns us not to be a minister of the letter. We are told that the letter kills. We must not take Biblical material literally anymore than we take mythology literally. The text of both is telling us of the harmony that must exist between astronomy and anatomy- it’s like jesus said in the bible. All these things are done in parables. In other words, it’s all deep symbolism to convey deep truth.


God’s wife, ( Zeus’s wife) had fallen. The wife or woman represents the emotions metaphysically. It is the part that responds to the physical. The same representation is made in the Adam and Eve story. Eve represents the emotions while Adam the mind that can be elevated. The emotions cannot be elevated. So. The story points out that emotions are connected deeply to the physical and cannot serve the Gods. Thus, Zeus falls in love with the young boy. The child within each of us represents, the higher mind. The child in us is the part that separates from the physical. It turns in meditation only to God and is raised by the supreme light. When it is ready, the child within can then provide a cleansing to that which is the physical realm of existence. That is where Aquarius comes into the picture.


How beautiful is the story of God’s love for the child within you. How beautiful is the story of your service to God and your reward as the who will bring the healing cleansing waters to those around you. How sad that so much of the world has taken the story literally and used it to justify the actions of religious ones molesting children.


God took the child Ganymede and raised him up to be Aquarius the great celestial sign of the passover to a new life, a new existence. When jesus was asked about the passover, he said look for the man with the pitcher of water. We all should be looking upward within ourselves and we will be touched by Aquarius. The man with the pitcher of water.

Now let me propose to you concerning the child. Within us all is the adult conciousness. That mind of ours that has been trained by the systems of tradition. That is not the one God desires. There is another one within us. The child who is untouched by the outer world. That child can be brought to God when we go within meditation and separate from all the thoughts that flow through the adult carnal mind.

In the Biblical story of Joseph and the coat of many colors, Joseph instructs the brothers to return to Jacob and bring the child Benjamin who was Joseph’s brother. They brought the child and Joseph gave him a silver cup and then brought Jacob and the family out of famine to live royally. All because they had brought the child. Go within. Separate from thoughts and awake the child in you. Then you and yours will receive from the highest. Author Bill Donahue.

Isn’t axl rose sign of aquarius?

Welcome to my jungle part 3.

Continued from part 2,

I had jumped up and said yes that’s it! That’s the song we need to write. It was getting late and I suggested that we meet up tomorrow night and work on this song. He said I’m here tonight and tonight only. He said if your going to turn me on to something you better turn me on tonight.  ok then, he had the first verse but wasn’t using the word welcome.  I was coming up with an idea I was thinking about Alice cooper welcome to my nightmare,  which I saw on the muppets and thought it was really cool. So I said welcome to the jungle it gets worse here every day learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play.  We was literally bouncing lyrics off each other.  We probably came up with the entire song with in a hour.  I was wearing a bunch of rings. He liked one alot and was trying to get me to give it to him.  I didn’t want to.  He tried several different tactics saying man come on I’m a complete charity case I got nothing.  I said no. He said what if I just dragged you over in the alley and beat the shit out of you and just took it? I said something like you could but you won’t get it for free. He said something like what do you mean? I said you could but you will lose something you won’t get it for free you will lose something an eye ear nose something.  He laughed saying you’re not scared at all! As I was trying to think of something for the song I said here you can have anything you want but you better not take it from me! So I gave him the ring saying here hope this curbs your appetite.  I had also said that I hear like an echoing sounding guitar and screaming and sirens in the beginning of the song.  I was singing it and humming the guitar riff, da da da  de da da da  da da da de da da da etc..

That was my idea lol.

But wait there’s alot more to this story to come lol. Continued in part 4.

Welcome to my jungle part 2.

If you haven’t read part 1 I suggest reading it to get an understanding of what is to come.

I did have a particularly strange life to say the least.  Growing up I didn’t know my real father.  Seeing how my mom was after him for child support no one seemed to know where he was. Well my first run in with the police was when I was about 11 going on 12. I had gotten a bb gun and me and some neighborhood kids was out playing war one day. So somebody called the police.  I was on the railroad tracks and I heard hey drop it and don’t move! I turned around and 4 cops had their guns drawn on me. I dropped it pretty quick lol. Well I was handcuffed and taken to the police station.  I refused to give them my name or anything.  They didn’t know what they were dealing with lol. They tried every tactic known but I wouldn’t budge.  They said they was going to put me in jail if I didn’t tell them who I was.  I laughed and said go ahead. So I thought about it and after a few hours of driving them crazy I said I don’t know what my mom’s name is but I can tell you my father’s name is. So I let them do the work of finding him. It took a couple of hours but it worked they eventually did find him. He ended up having to call his parents and they had to call my mother. I got in a huge amount of trouble for all this but it did lead to meeting my father for the first time.  That’s a whole other story of its own lol. Me and my brother went to Florida and stayed with him for a while and it ended up going horribly wrong. He had told me one day that he didn’t think I was actually his kid and neither did my grandmother. I remember this just messing my head up really bad. Long story short me and my brother was thrown onto a greyhound bus in Florida and sent back to Indiana. It was not a fun trip I was about 12 years old.

Around this time my older brother started getting really violent. He would get so angry about almost anything and violently attack me. Most of the time it was just a normal beating.  But sometimes it went too far.  He would strangle me unconscious and I would come to while he was standing over me laughing.  And being autistic I didn’t exactly fit in at middle school in Lebanon Indiana. I was picked on at school pretty bad. One time I was walking down the hallway at school and some of the other kids was actually spitting on me.  A teacher saw this and did absolutely nothing about it. I asked him why he didn’t do anything he said what’s the point.  So from then on I just had a fuck it and fuck you attitude towards everyone and everything.

I was around 13 or so at this time. I was walking home one night and sitting there at the courthouse square was this guy with long straight hair. He bummed a cigarette off me and we started talking.  It was late at night in this very small town nobody was around. We started talking about life and stuff. Somehow we got on the subject of the bible.  I remember telling him something like the temple is you. He understood that real fast. Saying yes that’s it that’s the answer I’ve been looking for.  He said man are you God or something? I said no why? He said because something told me that I should come here and I would find you. I was just sitting here praying for a message and you walked around the corner. I laughed and said I’m just a kid walking home.  He looked at me weird.  He said he had been to California and was in a band but wasn’t sure if it was what he wanted to do. I asked him if that was what his dream was he said yes but it’s not easy. I said if that’s your dream then do it.  He said he had some ideas and some lyrics.  He was reading me some lyrics to one of his songs he was working on.  It was called anything goes.  He had said with your panties in the air and your ass in debris.  I laughed I thought he said ass in the breeze. He corrected me laughing and I said man you are just too much. He replied to me  I may be too much but honey your a bit obscene.  He asked me that night what if you was up there singing your heart out and people were just standing there making fun of you and stuff.  I said man I would point them out I would say hey I see you standing there thinking your so cool why don’t you just fuck off! He laughed and got quite a kick from that. He told me I was crazy I said no you’re fucking crazy. He said oh child you are fucking crazy we laughed I said see it’s so easy there’s another song for ya. We hung out for a few hours that night. Talked about alot of stuff.  I said that he needed a song about the crazy world we live in. He said he was working on something like that.  He said to me do you know where you are? You’re in a jungle baby and your gonna die!

I jumped up and said yes that’s it! Continued in part 3.

Is the bible talking about aliens?

In my opinion the answer is no.

I watch the ancient aliens shows on history channel and I have to laugh. They are so far from reality it’s funny.  They use the story of the sons of God coming down to have intercourse with the daughters of men as there evidence to support their claims.  Once again this is how taking the literal words can create such ignorance.

This story is allegorical symbolism for what has happened in the evolution of the human mind up to the time it was written.  The sons of God are your thoughts that are actually of God and connects you to him. Things like being nice helping people etc all the good things.  These are thoughts of the higher mind.  The daughters of men are mans intellectual ideas of God and how to connect with God. These are of the lower mind of the physical world.  When those higher thoughts the sons of God come down to have intercourse with the daughters of men,  mans own intellectual ideas which look very attractive lol , they have giant children who are abominations and run amok.  These children are allegory for mans religions of the world.  Which are of the lower mind.

Chariots of fire coming down from the heavens.

This is particles of energy and conciousness coming down from space in the form of electricity in the light.

We are wireless electrical appliances recieving the electric current from the light.  Just like any electrical appliance you must have the specific resistance in order to work properly. Lol. This is why all the angels names have el in them. Angel/ angle of light.  Some angles of light are good some are bad.  Electricity arcs lol. Arc/ ark of the covenant, Noah’s ark/arc , arc angel/ angle etc..

The word galilei means circuit. The brain is the circuit for the current of electricity. All the ancient cultures knew the same thing that’s why they all have similar texts and structures.


Welcome to my jungle part 1.

I was brought into this world born with autism,  mild autism as my dr has said. My real father is a story all its own. I never knew him growing up. I didn’t meet him or even knew what he looked like until I was around 12. I grew up with a older brother who is borderline personality disorder.  I had to sleep next to him in the same bed for the first 15 yrs of my life. My mother I suspect is also borderline personality disorder but that has not been confirmed professionally as far as I know.

Borderline personality disorder is a pretty serious problem.  When its described as borderline between neurotic and psychotic that truly fits my brother perfectly.  When I was young I was burned with hot light bulbs etc. One time when I was 12 I ate the last piece of blueberry cheesecake,  my punishment was he held me down and poured tobacco juice into my eyes.  Boy that sure did burn. It was some pretty damn good blueberry cheesecake though!

I have had a truly insane life.  When I say I seen more by the age of 13 than most see their entire life is no exaggeration.  My older brother is 4yrs older than me.  When I was around 12 I didn’t really have friends my own age. I hung out with his friends.  Thus was a group of some of the most crazy people you could imagine.  They would get drunk and have me drive them around town.  I was 12.  Lol.

One guy in particular I hung out with quite a bit had a motorcycle.  This guy was evil kinival.  One time we was going down the highway about 65mph or so with me on the back he says don’t move at all! Huh? What are you doing? He let’s go of the handlebars and stood up on the seat and was surfing with me on the back. Scared the living shit out of me! There was a railroad track that was a big bump in the road. What I mean by big bump this thing was a roll in the road that was probably 12 feet up in the air with level road on both sides.  He would get the motorcycle going as fast as possible and jump it with me on the back. We caught serious air lol. We would land a good 25 to 30 feet on the other side.  We was talking about that recently he said yeah luckily we landed every time lol. So much drugs and alcohol and sex around me it’s truly ridiculous.

The first time I met axl rose I was 9 yrs old.  He wasn’t axl rose then. He is 9 years older than me so he was about 18 at that time.  We had just moved to Lebanon Indiana.  It’s a very small town in between Lafayette and Indianapolis. The house next door was the rose family.  I had met a kid there my age and one day I went over to see if he wanted to play.  I knocked on the door and this guy (axl rose) answered the door.  I said is bud here? He said come In. I followed him through the house I kinda noticed that nobody was around.  He took me to a bedroom and I said where’s everyone? He said they are all gone for the day. I said ok. Then he said pulling out a bible I was praying for a message to tell me what to do and you knocked on the door.  It’s the only reason why I let you in. I said oooookk. He then said something like I know that you was sent to give me a message.  Ok I gotta go now lol. I started to leave the room he slammed the door shut and started crying and fell to his knees saying he didn’t know what to do.  This freaked me out seriously! I didn’t know what to do or say. I said are you gonna hurt me? He said no no no I wouldn’t ever hurt a child or gods messenger I just want my message! I said something like God loves you and you must keep fighting I think I put my hand on his head when I said it. Then i said you need to let me go. And he opened the door and i went back home.  All he had in that room was a bible and a record player radio.  I was sitting at home thinking about this guy going crazy in that room.  He would not go outside like he was hiding out.  So I grabbed a record from my brothers albums and took it over to him the next day.  The family was there. I asked who it was in that room and was told that’s nobody of your concern leave him alone.  So I knocked on the door and he peaked out and said I cant believe you came back! I said I just wanted to give you this. He said is this my message? I just said yeah and just then I got yelled at for talking to him and I went home. He was gone the next time I went over there.  I think that album was a queen album.

When I was about 13. This guy popped up in my neighborhood. I was walking home and he was sitting on the porch. He had long hair and kinda had a rock n roll look to him. I had recently just got hooked on rock n roll. Motley crue had just put out live wire on HBO and I thought it was the coolest thing.  This guy said he was a guitarist from Hollywood California and was staying there for a few days while his singer was in Lafayette getting stuff.  This guy was Kevin Lawrence from rapidfire axl rose first band.  He came down to my house and hung out. He had a big bag of pot that he said he brought from California.  We was hanging out and smoking in my garage.  He said I was the craziest kid he ever seen.  He was there about 3 days. Kept saying that his band was going to be the next big thing out of Hollywood etc… he had a guitar with him. Black with white spider web painted on it.  I asked him to play it but he wouldn’t.  He said I don’t play other people’s songs.  Ok then play me one of yours. No we haven’t recorded it yet and I don’t want any one to steal my ideas. I laughed and said seriously you think I will steal your ideas? I don’t think that you can play it. Lol. He got mad.  The last day he was there in Lebanon there was a pickup truck in the driveway. It had a bunch of stuff in the back covered up with a tarp. They was all standing around talking in the driveway and I got curious and lifted the tarp to see what was in there. I saw a bunch of music equipment. This guy’s singer got really mad and said I needed my ass kicked and needed to mind my own business.  He got really mad,  they had to tell him to go in the house.  I was only 13 and curious.  But why get so mad about it? Was nobody supposed to know.

The next time I met him (axl rose) was in the spring of 1983. That is a long story and will be in part 2.



True knowledge is obtained or rather increased by a two fold method. This being intuition and experience. To separate the two from working together is disastrous to the mind.  First intuition is sparked by a idea then that idea must be tested and proven by experience. Thus the first idea being proven by experience thus sparks another idea. These two sides must work together in balance of power one more powerful than the other and this process will suffer.

Mankind is one side of the brain dominant over the other.  If you are right handed you are left brain dominant.  And vice versa.  The vast majority of people are right handed.

Now this is what I propose as an allegorical parable of genesis and the creation story; first there was void darkness etc. This is the womb of your mother. All life starts with a single cell which then splits into two cells and keeps dividing until something is created.  This is the splitting of the firmament and the waters etc.  The Adam is created,  now in most bibles next to this in parentheses should be ( both Male and female). Created by God in our likeness.  The Adam is the child mind of everyone either Male or female.  All the creepy things and animals came to the Adam ( both Male and female) and what he called them they was.  This is what children do when they are developing before they understand what anything is but what a child calls something that is what it is. If a child calls a dog a cow it’s a cow.

Now when the child mind of the Adam goes into a deep sleep eve is created in the mind which is developing a understanding of good and bad from testing the fruits in the garden and thus also represents the emotions while Adam represents the physical body.  When eve eats the fruit of knowledge it was an idea when she gave it to Adam the physical act was done.  At this point in development you realize that you are naked.  And embarrassed and ashamed.  The emotions eve is cursed to bear children.  Cain and abel.  Cain is left west side of the mind the intellectual side the tiller of the earth. Where did you dig up that idea? Earth is also the lowest level of conciousness.  Cain/cane crutch.  Abel is right east side of the mind the shepherd the spiritual connection side. Everything in the bible that is good or connected to God is east or right.  At some point in minds development the intellectual side kills the spiritual side and starts being left west side dominated.  Dominated by the intellectual side.

Strange coincidences or is it synchronicity?

Ok the number 23, there is a whole enigma around this number.

Archbishop usher declared oct23 day of creation. Matthew 1:23 Matthew 10:23. If you are conceived on January 23 1:23 9 months later is October 23 10:23. Fibonacci sequence and everything begins 0,1,2,3

According to my anatomy book the center of the brain is developed on the 23rd day in the womb.

23 articulation of the arm. 23 axioms in Euclid geometry, it takes 23 seconds for blood to complete one cycle etc.. this list could go on and on…..

October 23 also happens to be my birthday lol.  And the birthday of the psychologist who diagnosed me with autism.  Coincidence or synchronicity?

I was born in 1971 so let’s root this down, 10/23/1971 root numbers are 1,5,9.  Kings1 5:9 my servants shall come down from Lebanon unto the sea,  ok I grew up in Lebanon Indiana.  I moved from there to Florida. Someone very famous that I had some encounters with ( I might divulge that at some point in the future) when I was very young went to California.

The filming for the grand opening ceremony for Disney world Florida was on my birthday.

This something I think is pretty awesome,  my name is Jonathan which in Hebrew is yehanatan which means jehovah has given or jehovah’s gift. Jonathan is the child who declared Solomon king to the people.  The famous person I met told me that when I was 13 or so so I declared him king. He was on his way back to California to start a rock n roll band.  He went on to become one of the most amazing and famous rock singer of all time.  Let’s just say his initials are w.a.r


Anatomy and theology.

Thalamus in Greek means vault or inner chamber or meeting place in botany its torus of a flower.

Genesis 32:30 and Jacob called the place pineale for he met God face to face and his life was preserved.

Testa means skull,  ment is defined as an act or process of doing something. Testament is an act or process of doing something in the skull.

John 19; and he bear his cross and went to the place called the skull.

Chakras means wheels of light.

They are nerve centers 7 total.

Revalation 5:1 and I saw in the RIGHT hand(right, eastern side of the mind) of him that sat on a throne a book written WITHIN and on the backside (spine), sealed with seven seals. (7 chakras)

5:2 and I saw a strong angel (angle of light) proclaiming with a loud voice, WHO is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals there of? (Within)

5:3 and no man ( allegorical for no mind, no thought) in heaven, nor in the earth was able to open the book.

5:4 and I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and read the book, neither to look thereon.

5:5 and one of the elders (cranial nerve #12 hypoglossal) saith unto ME weep not: behold the LION OF JUDAH THE ROOT OF DAVID, HAITH PREVAILED TO OPEN THE BOOK AND TO LOOSE THE 7 SEALS THEREOF.